The Manhattan Sundial

New York Time

(right now in New York City)
--- : :

Time Zone Offset:
Daylight Savings?: yes: no:
lat: long:

Your Local Clock

(use your local time)
--- : :

Time Zone Offset:
Daylight Savings?: yes: no:
lat: long:

Custom Time & Location

(calculate for any time and place)
--- : :

Time Zone Offset:
Daylight Savings?: yes: no:
lat: long:

Sun's Position
azimuthal: elevation: declination:

The Sun will shine down the streets today at:
street time (east) avenue time street time (west)

Below is a map showing where the shadow of the Empire State Building is, based on the above input.
(If map is missing -- and it is daytime -- click the "redo" button.)