In TrekMap2 an event is a marker on the TimeLine. If you need something to happen at a certain time in your video you can place your event on the TimeLine, and then link path-points, frames and labels to the event.
TrekMap2 automatically creates a "start video" and a "end video" events. These are required and can not be deleted.
Events appear as vertical dashed line on the Flow Tab.
To create an event, press the ⌘E key, or use the pull-down menu Edit > Event. Events are always created at the mid point of a video.
You can change the time of an event by dragging it on the Flow Tab. You can also enter the percent, frame number or time/date in the Event Edit Window. Note: if an event is in one mode (for example frame number as shown above) and you change one of the other fields (for example percent) the input will be ignored.