TrekMap2 - File Commands
All TrekMap2 files are stored in the Movies/TrekMap folder (directory) in the users area. When TrekMap2 starts for the first time, it creates this new folder. In that area, each project has its own folder. Normally users should not need to get into these folders. However they are simple and human readable.
The file commands can be accesed from the "File" pull-down menu, or through short-cut keys.
New / ⌘N
Start a new project. All parameters are set to the defaults. The title of the project is "Untitled" until the user changes it with the "Save As... ⇧⌘S" command.
Open... / ⌘O
The Open command will open a new project. An open panel will appear and the user can click on the name of a project. Remember, the name of a project and a folder are the same.
Save / ⌘S
The Save command will save the project to disk.
Save As... / ⇧⌘S
SaveAs allowes the user to give the project a unique name.
Delete open a panel which allows the user to select a project and delete. Be careful, this delete can not be undone.
Revert to . . . / ⌘Z
This clears all the recent editing of a project and reverts to an earlier version of that project.
You can either;
- Revert to the last version you saved.
- Revert to a version recorded by the auto-backup. An auto-backup happens every minute while you are actively editing (it sleeps when you are not active). Up to 20 backups are saved. You may even find versions from previous sessions.